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Dogs playing sports

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Does my dog have to be a purebred dog for us to become members?
No. Our club focuses on people having fun with their dog(s), be they purebred or mixed breed. Any of our classes and practices and fun events can be entered by you and your mixed breed dog.
Can I come to any CDTA meeting?
You are welcome to attend any Board or General meeting.  The meeting may be in-person or being held via ZOOM. We'd be delighted if you came. These meetings are open to anyone who is interested in the club. Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. General membership meetings are held at 7 p.m. and either precede or follow the program for the evening. Check the home page for details about each meeting.  

If you are considering membership and are interested in a particular activity, for example agility or obedience, you may contact to find out who to contact about attending one of their meetings. 
Where are the classes held for obedience training and agility?
Classes for Obedience are held at Bloedel Donovan Park's Community Building. Check under Obedience for more information.  

Agility classes are held at the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, Walton Beverage Arena, in Lynden.  Classes begin at 4:30 p.m. when running, which is most of the time. Check the Agility-General Information Flyer  more information and contact information.
I want to come and watch one of the CDTA events. Are they open to spectators?

Throughout the year, CDTA holds several tests, trials and special events for dog owners throughout the Pacific Northwest and BC. These are in the sports of agility, obedience and rally, scent work and tracking. 

In most instances, spectators are allowed. COVID protocols are limiting or prohibiting may influence whether non-participants can attend in all sports. If it isn't evident in the information whether spectators are OK, you should check with the organizers, either the trial/test chair, or the test secretary to be certain, or send an email to

Details for events can be found on the Event Calendar.

Is there any charge for attending one of the special events?
We are always delighted to have people come and watch, if it is allowed. There is no charge for entry. However, no unentered dogs are allowed in the building or general area, so, please leave your furry friend at home or in your vehicle. 
Can I bring my dog to one of the special events?
CDTA asks that you leave your own dog at home or in your vehicle when attending any event in which you are not entered. 

Some of the events have a very high activity/energy level with many dogs moving around. Your dog may not be comfortable in this type of surrounding, and some of the competing dogs may need more space than exists if too many dogs are around.  

Thanks, we appreciate your cooperation.